Hi there. Did you realize I was gone? Have you missed my taste in Indie Shuffle-flavored music? I say it like that because I have my own tastestoo, which is not congruent for posting here. I'm my own man. Mr. Independent. Mr. Indie for short, and OH MY GOD, I just found out Easy Life is a boy band!
I always thought, based on the sound, that Easy Life was a guy in a bedroom somewhere. Have you heard their latest single, "petty crime"? Well, I was wrong. They're a group of lads from Leicester... the toughest city in the world to spell.
If anything, a group of gents might want to refrain from committing petty crimes, because that would make them a gang. Luckily for them, the song is just a romantic metaphor.
P.S. Shoutout to this Dutch pop band, who managed to snag the real Easy Life's SoundCloud handle.