Image via Unsplash.
Sounds like:
Menahan Street Band,
The Budos Band,
Karl Hector and the Malcouns
Why do we like this?
El Michel’s Affair is a master of creating music that is at once whimsical, fun, complex, intricate, and interesting. Sung entirely in an Eastern language that is unidentifiable to my Western ears, it’s still a really fun song with some very cool little riffs and melodies. This song feels like a journey, flowing seamlessly from lilting, airy vocals and instrumentation to deeper, more complicated, darker notes and valleys.
“Cham Cham” embodies their signature sound of electronic soul, and is lush, evocative, and eclectic. It’ll require you to listen closely in order to ensure you get the full picture of the complex puzzle El Michel’s Affair is attempting to build here. Don’t miss a beat; you won’t regret it.
Streaming source:

Sounds like:
Yin Yin,
Menahan Street Band,
El Michels Affair

Sounds like:
Andrew Ashong,
Menahan Street Band

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