Are you a fan of funky electro tracks with a bouncy synth line, groovy, textured beats, wafty, falsetto vocals, and an absolutely banging break-down? Yes? Then you’ll love “Treat You Right” by The Jungle Giants.
What’s really interesting and heartwarming about the music video, is that it’s not what you’d expect: with a title like that, you’d think the video would probably involve a couple wherein one party is loving on the other, right? But no! The Jungle Giants have taken a different (and in my opinion, much more powerful and effective) approach.
The video portrays the lead vocalist treating himself right. Watering, washing, feeding, and taking care of a double of himself as if he were a plant that needed love and care to grow. Towards the end of the track, his double steps out of the soil in which he is growing, and walks toward him, only to be met by a warm blanket and gentle bear hug. He then goes on to teach his double the song they’re playing, as both versions sing the words “treat you right.” Finally, the double, now fully grown and developed, visits a lady friend, and the two go off to a party together.
It’s like this gorgeous encapsulation of the idea of loving yourself, and treating yourself right, before you’re able to do that properly for another person. Beyond the track itself, it’s this concept that really made me love it.