Remember Snakadaktal? I sure do.
When they hit the Melbourne scene years ago as an unsigned and unheard of high school band, they blew everyone away with the depth and maturity of their talent. They were especially on my radar because they went to the high school down the road from where I was living at the time.
They also made one of my most favorite tracks probably ever in "Hung On Tight." I recall seeing them play at a pub in Adelaide one time and everyone joked that most of the members on stage were too young to drink.
Memories aside, I was thrilled to learn recently that two ex-members of Snakadaktal are making music together as Two People. "Fading" is their debut release.
"Fading" is dreamy pop with darker, layered edge. It has much more of an electronic edge that I ever remember Snakadaktal doing. Lovely start. Can't wait for more.