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Bleeding Knees Club - Nothing To Do
Discovered by:
Monica McClure
Monica McClure
Apr 30, 2012
Total plays:
106 times
Why do we like this?
Bleeding Knees Club just want to have fun. They're a couple of surfie punk kids from Australia's Gold Coast that started jamming in a garage together, and recently turned out album Nothing To Do -- an ode to sun, girls, and generally just being irresponsible.

Let's be honest. Bleeding Knees Club isn't the next intellectual math-rock band. There's nothing complicated or showy about their music, but that works in their favor, as their short, punchy songs are easy to listen to and damn catchy as well.

Standout songs are opening track "Teenage Girls," the charmingly titled "Beach Slut," as well as their latest single from the album "Nothing To Do." They all sound a little bit the same but hey, it's a good formula and the songs are all short enough that it never gets tedious.

I feel a little bit of a phoney listening to Bleeding Knees Club as I'm long out of high school, but there's something enjoyably immature about listening to songs like "Hate Me" and "Problem Child." So be a rebel. Put Bleeding Knees Club on your playlist and listen to it when you're suited up and on your way to work. Maybe knock a garbage can over on your way. You know the boys would be proud.
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