This one is for the lover of lyrics.
Celestine Manno's "Holding On" inspires admiration on several fronts, but none more fervently than its lyrical prowess. Her words form the skeleton of the song; they're tossed like bones that land within the listener, eclipsing any fortune foretold.
While I touched upon the human condition of desire in my previous review,"Holding On" seems to capture the more raw and real experience of it. One can pontificate until one is blue in the face, but the discombobulating discomfort of desire is captured in all its nuance as Manno writes "Don’t know what I want / Something lace or something gritty."
The mind's capacity for fantasy is wonderfully alluring but at the same time, can wreak havoc upon the inner and outer world, akin to an explosive concealed within a bed of roses. This sentiment echoes in the lyrics:
"Looking at you
Just looking at me,
Will I want you in the morning?"
This song has blown me away, and with it, any further thoughts. After all, in the presence of a wordsmith, one's own words will be humbled into silence. Thus, I offer you the following for reflection:
"The sky is on fire
With all my desires
And I try to trace them
In the constellations
Read a bullshit horoscope
Anything for a little hope
I’ve got no direction,
No luck with satisfaction."