London artist Che Lingo has been turning heads for a couple of years with his witty, grime influenced style of hip-hop.
His second EP, Charisma, was released a couple of weeks ago, encapsulating the many different styles and versions of Che’s artistry perfectly, from the hard hitting "Metal & Rocks," to the soulful strains of "Black Girl Magic."
"Same Energy" offers an insight into Che's thoughts on those who "sleep" on him, and while it calls out the bullshitter, it also does so with a relatively positive slant
In the fear of new artists out their experiencing the same chicken before the egg conundrum, you could say that being worthy of being recognised shouldn’t have to come after doing well enough to be praised… It should come when the energy presents itself to you.
"Before my blue ticks they never got back" - well, I don't think anyone will be able to miss the prolific young artist for very long.
If you haven't yet, definitely check out the amaying animated video for the track below: