By now I'm sure you know that Coldplay recently released a new album. I mean... how could you not know? The greatest band of all time, amirite?
Okay, Coldplay is definitely a bit of a controversial subject. They're clearly as mainstream pop as rock can get, but I've got a major soft spot for them. Naturally that meant that when their new album Everyday Life came out last month I was all over it like a moth to the flame.
The album is 16 songs long with two "sides" if you will (I haven't sat down to try and differentiate whether there's a change in vibe between the two, and one hasn't jumped out to me, so maybe it's just a gimmick). What's nice is that they tend to steer away from the sort of pop direction they've had recent success with (a la Chainsmokers), and instead focused on the sounds that make Coldplay, well, Coldplay.
"Church" embodies this better than any song on the album, and every time it comes on I find myself getting lost in. Heck - I'm not the only one - because as I write this, my daughter is dancing to the song. So clearly there's something to it.