Vanessa Elisha is perfection over producer Different Sleep's latest production. The synergy between the soft vocals and the hard thumps are honey to your ears. Just listen, close your eyes for a few minutes and take it all in. It's worth it.
On the one hand, the beat is moving with the pace of an urban day filled with millions of legs thwarting hurdle after hurdle en route to their desks. On the other hand, the vocal moves at a much slower pace, where each sight is magnified by a slow-motion filter and takes us in towards every detail of each sight. A lonely sunflower high above on a NYC fire escape, the way the sun shines over a new graffiti piece over a rooftop off the J train.
A beautiful piece that will maybe touch you in a very different way than it touches me. The entire point being that it will touch you at all. Much of today's music is missing that. Wouldn't you agree?