This is one of those things that my friends and I used to talk about. We'd say, "What someone needs to do now is make country house." Because irony.
Country is one of those things that you don't like... until you do. How many of you have said or heard someone say, "I like everything but country." I've said it. I know you have, too. As things happen, country has become an integral part of my musical interests, but I'm talking old country – honky tonk, hill billy, mountain music. Patsy Cline, Moon Mullican and Johnny Cash country. Actually, my boyfriend just brought me back a slew of Australian honky tonk vinyl records from a recent trip down under. I've yet to listen, but I hear Slim Dusty is wear it's at.
I digress. Todd Terje can do no wrong. I'm convinced this since "Inspector Norse," so he's the perfect person to dive into country house (if this is even a thing). Never mind the fact that this track isn't really house, per say... but for the sake of argument, it's close enough. More than bringing Indie Shuffle new genres, I'm really excited that this will be the first Dolly Parton track our blog!
Terje's version of "Jolene" is a slow burner, so wait for it, but it's worth it to hear Dolly's lovely voice. Also, it's free for download. Enjoy!