Image via Unsplash.
Sounds like:
Animal Collective,
Neon Indian
Why do we like this?
I think to have a band name like Gauntlet Hair you'd have to possess some sort of vulgarity, right? I mean, isn't a gauntlet a form of punishment for people in the military? Although the name forces you to believe that these guys would be a tortuous punk band, these bff Denver natives are actually a rather cheerful psych-pop group with an interesting take on the ever-so-popular melodic shouting.
I Was Thinking, the duos self-released album that came out earlier this year, is full in assortment of hyper-rhythmic guitar scratching and eruptive hooks that is pleasing to the ears and makes you wanna dance in ultimate gaucheness. With comparisons to Animal Collective swarming through the blog buzz, I'd have to say that these dudes have some unprecedented sound.
The first time I heard "I Was Thinking," I literally got out of my chair and started dancing. Maybe it was all of the coffee I drank? No, it's because these guys are fucking great! Maybe you're not like me and don't dance around your studio apartment like a crazy person, but I can guarantee that your feet will be stomping the ground or you'll be moving your head and shoulders like Marcia Brady.
All of the songs carry their own convoluted and charismatic chords; once the beat grabs hold of your chest it syncs with the thumps and palpitations of your heart. Meanwhile, as you sit melted into your floral printed chair you got from an Urban Outfitters catalog, you realize, "Hot damn! This is goooood." And once the storm of echoes subsides, the resulting rapture settles you into a self-induced coma of musical splendor that leaves you itching for more.
I Was Thinking, the duos self-released album that came out earlier this year, is full in assortment of hyper-rhythmic guitar scratching and eruptive hooks that is pleasing to the ears and makes you wanna dance in ultimate gaucheness. With comparisons to Animal Collective swarming through the blog buzz, I'd have to say that these dudes have some unprecedented sound.
The first time I heard "I Was Thinking," I literally got out of my chair and started dancing. Maybe it was all of the coffee I drank? No, it's because these guys are fucking great! Maybe you're not like me and don't dance around your studio apartment like a crazy person, but I can guarantee that your feet will be stomping the ground or you'll be moving your head and shoulders like Marcia Brady.
All of the songs carry their own convoluted and charismatic chords; once the beat grabs hold of your chest it syncs with the thumps and palpitations of your heart. Meanwhile, as you sit melted into your floral printed chair you got from an Urban Outfitters catalog, you realize, "Hot damn! This is goooood." And once the storm of echoes subsides, the resulting rapture settles you into a self-induced coma of musical splendor that leaves you itching for more.
Streaming source:

Sounds like:
House of Pain,

Sounds like:
Gauntlet Hair,
Former Ghosts,
Xiu Xiu

Sounds like:
Gauntlet Hair,
Young Prisms,
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