Girlhouse's "gen x boyfriend!!" is the sound of a woman taking back her power, or at the very least, on the path to doing so. Melodically moreish and packed with power, this track has the energy of No Doubt, brought forward to 2023.
This isn't the usual sound we share on Indie Shuffle but we're clearly suckers for a good melody. It's a song about a toxic relationship and draws inspiration from the artist's life. Speaking to the track, she explains:
"He made me feel so important and magical when we first started dating and I was addicted to getting back to a place that wasn’t real to begin with. The song is the survivalist dissociating and feeling like they’ve finally found ‘the one’."
With a 1:44 runtime, the track manages to bring so much to the table -- it's explosive -- that the audience is left feeling satisfied after one listen, though a repeat listen, or two or three, will go down just as well.
Girlhouse's latest EP, the fourth ep, is available on all streaming platforms, and "gen x boyfriend!!" is the enticing opener.