Are you tired of James Blake's "Retrograde" yet?? I didn't think so.
I probably couldn't listen to an entire album of an original plus its remixes by anyone other than James Blake. Of course this isn't an album, but it's another brilliant remix to add to your playlist, in addition to Mokhov's trip-hop version we dropped this past weekend.
Gábor Deutsch introduces "Retrograde" to ambient garage. It's difficult to ignore, and necessary to pay attention to Blake's voice, but we are seemingly given a visual of his mind's inner workings. After the glittering distortion subsides, a female siren haunts the memory. Instinctively, Blake's voice cries out and the percussion shudders. A medley of emotions sound their individual alarms, disturbing the already-dense atmosphere, before it gradually distills itself.
To hear plenty more from Deutsch, who jumps in between Berlin and Budapest, visit his SoundCloud. The artist also produces his own music, and as of 2011, has a full band known as anORGANik:ORG. You can also check out his recent remix of Colorstar's "Fragrance" on iTunes.