Lyrically a very apt song for this Monday except, unlike in the song, no one is coming to rescue you. There is one bright patch to this Monday though, I have managed to come up with a way to make reviews a lot less repetitive for me to try and write.
Here's how.
Find someone, preferably with a below par vocal range, and have them listen to the song I'm reviewing. Get this person to sing the song back to you in realtime. It's imperative that you critique the original producer though because it would be rude to berate someone who is helping you out.
Things to look out for when offering critique: the melody, the beat, production quality (if your helper isn't singing a good tune it's most likely the producers fault), taste, smell and political context.
Jumping Back Slash (who has just put out a stellar EP) does well in most of these regards. Also, thanks to Brontavius for being my very first sing-back-review helper.