Image via Unsplash.
Sounds like:
Girl in Red,
Matilda Mann
Why do we like this?
Practical Jokes Are Youths Business Hours.
Raavi gives me flashbacks of dumb decisions, young ignorance, and a youthful demeanor I have missed for way too long.
Sometimes music can be a time machine and "no bodies" is exactly that. It's a warp back into the days of paintball, jumping fences, and a group of kids I always thought I'd stay with. It's an onslaught of vignettes, fleeting memories, and soft moments. The track flies above you like it's always been there, like the sparrows in the park, the river in the forest behind your house, or a stray cat that's moved into your alley. The track oozes grit and beauty in equal measure and I adore it for that.
Youth is always fleeting and it's good to be reminded.
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Sounds like:
King Princess,
girl in red,
Phoebe Bridgers

Sounds like:
girl in red,
rainbow kitten suprise,

Sounds like:
Bear Hands,

Sounds like:
Courtney Barnett,
Billy Raffoul
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