Rising New York artist Samia is back with the fab double single "Lasting Friend" / "Paris." Both tracks are excellent and well worth your time, but for me it's the indie influenced "Lasting Friends" that nails everything right about Samia.
Although there's a playful edge to track the lyrics are quite confronting, with Samia describing a complicated memory from her high school days.
I have this party anecdote about how the boys in middle school used to line up in the gym and touch my boobs. It's as funny as it is difficult for me to grapple with, because it's how I learned to measure my worth. I made a lot of friends that way and it's hard to unlearn that routine; we were all trying to make sense of the roles we were assigned.
Samia express her feelings and thoughts in a thought provoking and clever way that belies her 22 years of age, with the young songwriter declaring "I'm not ashamed of my past" throughout the track.
Be sure to check out more of Samia's work here.