This remix of "Need Your Loving" would be the drink of choice at a whiskey bar. It's smooth and classy, and complements the hopefully sexy ambiance of a Friday night. The airiness leaves space to disappear into while the beautiful darkness remains present.
Is it strange that despite its cleanliness, this remix seems suited for a modern interpretation of a 1920s speakeasy, as if we're venturing into Midnight in Paris with our music? I think the people of the 1920s would listen to this if they could. Can't you see the flapper girls getting lost in their fringe and brazen dance moves during this number?
Anyhow, Soul Clap's "Need Your Loving" remixed by Nitetime and (surprise) The Whiskey Baron, is off of EFUNK (The Remixes) EP, released June 2012 on Wolf + Lamb Records, with the original funk available for your reviewing pleasure here. I'd also recommend the Slow Hands & Tanner Ross remix of "Island, Part 2" which encourages travel rather than time travel.