Image via Unsplash.
Sounds like:
Broken Social Scene
Why do we like this?
Save for a few moments toward the 3-minute mark, "The Theory Of Relativity" completely let me down. Perhaps that's because I'd set my hopes really high -- after all, the Arts & Crafts band has produced a number of very successful songs.
It probably has something to do with the intro. I just can't get past the stupidly simple and dominant synth line. Sure, it's unlike any song I can think of...but originality doesn't make it good.
Here's hoping that the rest of the songs on The North don't disappoint. There's a good chance, given they just set my expectations so low.
It probably has something to do with the intro. I just can't get past the stupidly simple and dominant synth line. Sure, it's unlike any song I can think of...but originality doesn't make it good.
Here's hoping that the rest of the songs on The North don't disappoint. There's a good chance, given they just set my expectations so low.
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Sounds like:
Broken Social Scene

Sounds like:
Trails And Ways

Sounds like:
Kevin Drew,
KC Accidental,
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