Image via Unsplash.
Sounds like:
Ben Howard,
Bon Iver,
James Vincent McMorrow
Why do we like this?
This band's name feels really fitting. With a heedful approach, anything can turn to beauty. Take hardships for instance, navigate them with enough caution, and you've just walked through, not an obstacle, but rather a teaching.
The Careful One's "Wild Horses" is a song that has woven its way deep inside my heart. It is simply, yet brilliantly beautiful. The James Vincent McMorrow-like vocals move over Bon Iver'esque instrumentation that leaves me with that deeply-touching & melancholic Ben Howard feeling. And with that, I am in.
Don't let this be the last you hear from The Careful Ones, they have released their new album Pegasus on all streaming platforms.
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Sounds like:
Bon Iver,
James Vincent McMorrow,
Ben Howard

Sounds like:
Jose Gonzalez,
Bon Iver,
Margot and the Nuclear So and So's

Sounds like:
Jeff Buckley,
Bon Iver,
Fleet Foxes
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