I was sorta on the fence when this song started. But holy moly does it layer beautifully.
The song starts out with solo "Koto instrument" (which sounds a lot like a harp). This plays for about 20 seconds before introducing an eardrum-melting bassline and soft percussion.
From there, things build more and more, working toward a wonderful guitar riff that enters around the 50 second mark. It's almost something out of Boards of Canada's playbook, but the overall vibe is undeniably a blend of Bonobo and Four Tet.
The texture and intricacy of this song jumped out to me at once, and I have a feeling many of you here will appreciate that as well. So, here's hoping I'm not wrong :)
Thoma is Tristan de Liègeand Benjamin Hill. They'll be releasing an album titled Ikiru sometime soon.